2 Tesla 20inch VRTB Recondensing Magnet System
2 Tesla with 20 inch VRTB Recondensing Superconducting Magnet System Customer Location: Florida 2 Tesla Superconducting Solenoid Magnet. Actively Shielded +/- 10% Homogeneity over 16" x 34" RCC Zero Loss LHe Cryostat, Recondensing Dual, Sumitomo 1.5W Pulse Tube [...]
OMNI-Mag-TT 6 Tesla Compact Superconducting Magnet System Customer Location: Pennsylvania 6 Tesla Superconducting Solenoid Magnet. +/- 0.2% Homogeneity over 1cm DSV 25mm ID, <5K-60K Variable Temperature Sample Space. Compact footprint, saves on valuable lab space. Affordable and easy [...]
Superconducting Magnet for Gyrotron Tubes
Cryomagnetics is the world-leading manufacturer of superconducting magnet systems used with gyrotron tubes. Customer Location: Germany 140GHz and 175GHz Magnet Systems: Superconducting Coils Main: A set of three (3) series-connected coils that produce the [...]
7 Tesla Split Pair Magnet System with Room Temperature Bores LHe
7 Tesla Split Pair superconducting magnet system with room temperature bores, liquid helium cooled with liquid nitrogen shield. Allowing both axial and perpendicular access relative to the magnetic Axis. Customer Location: Pennsylvania, USA 7 Tesla [...]
Cryogen Free VTI
Custom Cryogen-FREE variable temperature cryostat with 2.5inch (61mm) sample space and low vibration options. Customer Location: China Cryogen-FREE design 2.5 inch (63.5mm) inner diameter sample space. <1.5K to 325K Temperature range. Low Vibration Options including custom Newport pneumatically [...]
Knoxville Area Top 20 Technology Company
Cryomagnetics has again been recognized by the Greater Knoxville Business Journal as being among the leading Technology companies in the Knoxville Region. Selected as thirteenth of the listed top 20 companies, Cryomagnetics has experienced tremendous growth due to our [...]
C-Mag Vari-12 with Linear Actuated Sample Rotation and DAC
C-Mag Vari-12, 12 Tesla Split Pair Optical Cryogen-FREE superconducting magnet system cooled by a single remote motor Pulse Tube cryocooler to conductively cool the magnet and cryostat as well as cooling a secondary closed loop helium circuit used [...]
6-1-1 Tesla C-Mag 3-Axis Optical Superconducting Magnet System
C-Mag Vari-611-Optical, 6-1-1 Tesla 3-Axis Optical Cryogen-FREE superconducting magnet system cooled by a single Pulse Tube cryocooler to conductively cool the magnet and cryostat as well as cooling a secondary closed loop helium circuit used for controlling the [...]
KATRIN: Ghost Particle Research
Neutrino-mass measurement research at KATRIN reaches new levels of sensitivity in a quest to understand the "Ghost Particle". Cryomagnetics is proud to have built the six 5 Tesla recondensing magnets comprising the Differential Pumping Section (DPS) as well as "Pinch" and "Detector" magnets for this ground breaking experiment.
5 Tesla C-Mag Split Pair Optical Superconducting Magnet System
C-Mag Vari-5S-Optical, 5 Tesla Split Pair Optical Cryogen-FREE superconducting magnet system cooled by a single Pulse Tube cryocooler
7-2-2 Tesla 3-Axis Cryogen-FREE Magnet System VRTB
7.0-2.0-2.0 Tesla, 3-Axis Cryogen-FREE superconducting magnet system with 2.0 Tesla spherical vector rotation and 3.00 inch vertical room temperature bore.
9-2-2 Tesla C-Mag 3-Axis Superconducting Magnet System with He3
C-Mag 9/2/2 Tesla 3-Axis Cryogen-FREE superconducting magnet system cooled by a single 1.5W Pulse Tube cryocooler to conductively cool the magnet and cryostat as well as cooling a secondary closed loop helium circuit used for controlling the sample temperature. System features include a Helium-3 refrigerator mounted on a pneumatically isolated low vibration platform, inclinometer, automated (mass-flow) needle valve.
7 Tesla Optical C-Mag Superconducting Magnet System with Diamond Windows
C-Mag Vari-7S-Optical, 7 Tesla Split Pair Optical Cryogen-FREE superconducting magnet system with diamond windows. X/Y and Z optical access.
9 Tesla C-Mag Magnet System with Low Vibration Platform
Low Vibration 9 Tesla Cryogen-FREE superconducting magnet system ideal for vibration sensitive methods such as Scanning Probe microscopy.
5 Tesla Split-Pair Superconducting Magnet System with Turret
5 Tesla Split Pair Cryogen-FREE superconducting magnet system. Compact design and multi-position turret allow for convenient access to both radial and axial room temperature bores.